48 Gladstone Avenue Toronto
416.535.6957 mail@indexg.com
Hours: Wednesday to Sunday (1-5 pm)

A general introduction to INDEXG gallery shop

Ajoining gallery 50 is INDEXG gallery shop. One of the most unique shops in Toronto.
The shop is stitched together with several components:

(front of shop)
1. ART BROWNIE project/shop. The Little Great Mini Art. These small works start from $30. Call for submission year-round with and annual exhibition held at the main gallery every Summer.

(middle of shop)
2. Ping Pong Tabletops. An array of small art objects. Items changed frequently. There is a special table dedicated the Ping Pong Series - this small show rotates every 3 to 4 weeks.

3. Special Showcases for selected artists: Kai Chan, Irina Schestakowich, Tomio Nitto and Shelley Savor. Items updated monthly.

4. BlackIris Design for jewellery lovers.

5. SUKIMOTO cat-theme-shop is coming - in April, 2016.

(west-end of the shop)
6. ART-IN-BINDER. In the binders you can find Drawings, Photographs, Prints by various artists. Please feel free to browse from the binders.

7. GOOD EDITION small prints (30 editions, $30 each), Postcards, Art cards and Note cards.

8. HK XPECIAL - The retail studio of Holly Lee and Lee Ka-sing, the founders of this art venue. You are welcome to book an appointment to view their works. From earlier work to recent projects.

9. If you want to receive our exhibition news or art updates, please subscribe accordingly to information at the Web Link Panel.


INDEXG gallery shop is under the management of Ocean and Pounds